Tuesday, January 2, 2007

NO MORE SCREAMING!!! (mom on the brink of breakdown))

Seriously, is sleep such a terrible thing? According to my nearly 2 year old, it is. 9 times out of 10 when we put him down to sleep he screams like a mad man until someone comes to rock him into complete slumber. He basically has no capability of falling asleep on his own.
I had him trained so well at about 1 year that he would rock for about 2 minutes and then fall asleep on his own in his crib. Something happened (grandma weakness?) that lead him to believe that he should be rocked to sleep every time.
I'm tired of it, and I'm taking a stand!!!!!!! I've listened to him cry for 45 minutes now and I REFUSE to go up there.
Is there anyone else in the world that deals with this poop on a regular basis like I do? Please make yourself known!


Sarah said...

Yup. Gets even better when they can climb out of bed, and you hear scream-scream-scream, THUD, scream-scream-scream. Not cool.

J is generally great, but we have our moments - lately we have them more often than not. I wait it out - sometimes it's an hour, and it's horrible and I cry, but the alternative is that he never works it out on his own and we go in there every night...

Jos said...

Daedra, I am in your boat once again! B has been so good about falling asleep on his own but grandma is in town and spoiling him rotten! We have had a few hard nights this week. Hang in there!