Sunday, May 10, 2009

This is Interesting..

If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following:

There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
8 Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
70 would be non-white
30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the United States.
80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth
1(yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 would own a computer


Caren said...

Nice to see you back on the blog!

Caren said...

Hellllloooo.... are you ignoring your blog????

daedra said...

Have no camera and no life, so there you have it. Literally, I go almost no where and am living with my parents for the past 7 months. Do you want me to post that every month? Pretty boring if you ask me. Something fun will come up in the next few weeks I hope.