They aren't just needed, they're required!
I have been struggling so much to find students for my birthing class that it's depressing. People call and are really interested, we have great conversations and then they never sign up. I haven't taught anyone since the end of July!
Suddenly things are popping up where I can market myself to the right people. I've talked to Babies R Us in Taylor because the first Saturday each month they host a "Baby Fest" expo with a different topic each month. I'm waiting to get a call back about when it is and if I can be a part of the one about pregnancy and birth.
Then yesterday I was glancing through the new American Baby Magazine and came across an ad for the "American Baby Faire" March 3-4 at Rock Financial Showplace. I called to get more information on the cost of a booth and a 10'x10' booth would cost me $950!!! I really want to do this, 13,000 people pass through this event!! What exposure!
I posted a note on my SE MI bradley instructors chat group asking if anyone would want to join in on the table or donate some money for me to promote them even if they're not there. It's not looking too good, out of the 19 listed instructors only about 12 of them are still teaching. And the ones who do teach make very little money at it.
Please pray that some miracle will happen in the next week that will allow me to attend this show!
Lord bring provisions now!
7 years ago
praying for you.... ever thought of becoming a dula? my coworker is going through the process of certification right now.
I don't have the time or energy to be a doula. That job is like being on call all the time in case a baby is born. Plus, it includes more certifications which = more $$$ that I don't have.
A few other teachers have replied to my request but are hesitant because of the cost. I just pray they will step out and join me!
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