As a new believer in God anytime I understand the Lord more it is a HUGE deal to me. (I don't think Brian seems as excited as I am about these things so I'm sharing with cyberfriends)
In the past week or 2 I've realized that I am so happy I'm not God. Because when I'm feeling angry, frustrated, scared, lonely, moody, (I think you get the point) I can just give it all to Him and I immediatley feel so much better!
I clean my grandma's church every Friday and last week I had just mopped all the floors including the salt covered entry way when someone decided to walk all over in their wet snow covered boots. People never come in when I'm cleaning so I really understood this to be a test of me. Not only did this lady get water and salt everywhere but she so gracefully walked on some poinsetta leaves and made red stains all over the floors too. In this situtation I would have loved to complain to anyone that would listen. But, instead I prayed while I wiped it all up and gave God all my anger. It was so awesome! I immediately felt a sense of relief and said to myself 'whatever, no biggie'.
The beginning of this week was awful. I wanted to do this American Baby Faire for my Bradley Classes but not many of the area teachers wanted to help out with a booth. I had one other teacher interested and we couldn't afford to split the cost just the 2 of us. So, I prayed all week, and I asked the Lord to tell me if this is meant to be or not. I felt relieved because now it's His problem to deal with. Today I woke up wide awake at 6:00 (I rarely get out of bed before 8), God was nudging me out of bed by 6:30. I went downstairs to check my email because I felt there was something to see. WHAM!!! 2 more teachers are ready to join the faire with us!!! And they are just as excited as I am. Praise God!! Thanks for getting me up this morning!
Now I'm praying for the $237.50 to show up so I can do the faire! You led me here Lord now show me the way.
7 years ago
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