Monday, February 26, 2007

I'll say it... I'm now 30!

And really, I don't see why people freak out about turning 30, it's not like you're turning 130. I'm ok with it, I'm healthy, happy and having a good time living my life. I see a lot ahead of me, 30 is not the end of an era it's the beginning of a new phase of life.

Look at how cute I used to be.....

Have you ever wondered what famous people have the same birthday as you? Here are a few of the peeps that I share February 27th with:

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow born in 1807

Elizabeth Taylor born in 1932

Chelsea Clinton born in 1980

We all have our dorky moments, I'm not afraid to show mine:

Give me a break, I'm only 14 in this pic, I didn't know any better.


Jos said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAEDRA! You are right about 30. I actually loved it more than I loved turning 21 or 25 or any of the 20's!!! Welcome to the club!!! I pray that this new era will be full of blessings, prosperity and more revelation of who you are in Christ! Are you having a big party or what? We need to celebrate!!! xoxo

daedra said...

Yeah, no big party here...

linds said...

Happy Birthday Daedra! I think some cake is definitely in order... or some type of dessert anyways.

Sarah said...

I have to say, turning 31 this month freaked me out more than 30. I could sort of pretend that 30 was the end of my 20s, still felt young-ish. 31 is firmly planted in the 30s. Middle age all of a sudden, without the minivan or the mom jeans or the giant purse. Maybe this is when it happens...

daedra said...

wait, I have a mini-van and love it so shut your hole! And come to think of it my purse isn't very small.... o crud, I AM old!