Monday, April 30, 2007

A nice visit to the park... well almost

Yes, this is my daughter, ahem.. son, in a pair of pink and purple Hello Kitty sunglasses., doesn't he look divine? We went to the park with Paige, Abby, and Caroline today. Adam was nice enough to steal Abby's shades and ended up loving them.

Then after we eat lunch Adam is running around playing on the play ground when he stops and immediately says "I've gotta poop!!!" and makes a grunting face. I run over to him and in the 10 steps it takes to get to him I'm thinkin "what amd I supposed to do now?" Luckily we were at a pretty private park and no one else was there so I took him behind a large tree and had him do his business on the ground. Then like a dog owner I had to pick it up, put it in a bag and toss it in the nearest garbage can. Can you say gross?!?!? I can! Isn't parenthood lovely?


Sarah said...

You need to start carrying a scoop. Actually when Josh was little I carried the little dog poop bags in my diaper bag all the time because they were scented and I could throw poopy diapers in them.