This has been the most aggrivating week of my life. I've been channelling George Costanza about 100 times a day stating "SERENITY NOW!!!!!"
Brian has been working 12+ hour days. Adam is sick and refuses to cooperate with anything.
Bedtime = screaming fit of rage
Eating = screaming fit of rage
Anytime I tell him 'no' = screaming fit of rage
Turning off the tv = screaming fit of rage
Put your shoes on so we can leave = screaming fit of rage
Walk out the front door = screaming fit of rage
the list goes on and on and on......
As a matter of fact there's one going on right now that I'm trying my best to ignore. Tonight he refuses to eat the food I made and therefore I being hit right now. He just broke his favorite toy today yelling at me because I won't turn the tv on.
I'm at the point of dispair. If he doesn't eat or drink anything in one day will he die? I sure hope not because that means he won't be around tomorrow.
Motherhood is for the birds.
7 years ago
I'm so sorry that we got Adam sick... :(
Did you turn him into a monster too? Something is chemically going on in this kid and I can't wait for this phase to be over and done with!
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