For my birthday my parents got us tickets to go see U2 3D at the IMax. We went tonight and it was great. Except for the part where you have to wear dorky looking 3D glasses.
U2 concerts are very memorable for me. I don't go to concerts very often, so when I do attend one it has to be a really awesome show.
The first U2 concert was with Brian when we were dating and we sat in the nosebleed section of the Palace. It was great and all but I couldn't see anything on stage.
The second concert was on our honeymoon in Rhode Island. It, of course, was very memorable but more so because we had floor tickets and were able to be right in the middle of the high energy action of the concert. I was fantastic!!!
Then on our anniversary 3 years ago we went to another concert and were on the floor at the Palace. The R.I. venue was a lot smaller so the Palace concert had a much larger feel to it.
I highly recommend seeing this IMax show. It is as good as being on the floor at a U2 concert!
Thanks mom and dad!
(and thanks for babysitting too. I feel like a human this evening for once!)
7 years ago
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