Monday, June 11, 2007

Neti Pot - A Miracle Worker!!

I heard about this thing called a neti pot on Oprah one day. People that used it claim that their allergies and congestion are completely gone when they use this thing on a regular basis.
I suffer from horrible allergies in my sinuses and at the end of last week I got a pretty bad sinus infection/head cold. Even though I feel good now I can't breathe out of my nose at all so I sound horrible and food tastes like nothing at all. So, today I stopped by the health food store and picked me up a neti pot!
The premise is that you pour a saline solution in one nostril, it fills up your sinuses and then pours out the other nostril. I was soo very stuffed up that as I started to pour in one side it wasn't coming out the other!! It finally started to come out but was only dripping out. I did both sides and when I blew my nose after the second side, this is totally gross but a true testament that this thing works, I was literally pulling out this thick string of snot that just kept coming out. It was so nasty but amazing at the time I had to yell "Hey Brian, come check this out!" to which he replied "Wow, that's cool" (only a guy would think that is cool)
I can breathe a little better and hopefully I'll sleep better tonight because of it. I plan to continue the practice until I really know what my son smells like! (It's hard for me to tell if he's smelly enough for a bath if dirt isn't physically visible)


R said...

this is great. like the saline drops for kids.
although the video is HILARIOUS.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

I use either Simply Saline saline spray or Ayr Nose Gel almost daily in combination with my Visine Allergy eye drops

daedra said...

My nose was so stuffed this morning that nothing would come out the other side when I used the pot! It was literally completely stopped up.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny
you may think it's funny
but it's snot

KatieN said...

Okay, A little wierd, but I think I might get one..were did you buy this thing?