I've been crazy busy this weekend full of things that perplex me. This is a short synopsis:
First, my dad was riding his bike home from work on Friday evening when he was hit by a car. Long story short he is fine, 24 stitches in his upper lip, some bruises and scrapes but no major damage. He's lucky to be alive. He didn't remember anything from the accident but my mom finally got the police report today. Apparently as he was riding north bound on Gulley Road (which is not a busy road at all) and he was on the right side of a large RV. The RV was stopped at the light at Ford Road, but what my dad didn't know is that the RV was stopped so that a pickup truck traveling southbound could turn left in front of it into a gas station. Being that there was a large RV blocking his view he didn't see the truck and ran right into it.
Now here's the thing that perplexes me. The person driving the pickup truck didn't get a ticket and their name was purposely blacked out on the report so that my parents couldn't see it. If you were involved in this accident wouldn't you want some closure to know that this biker who was taken away covered in blood is alive? And if my dad had been in a car and ran into that pickup truck wouldn't the driver of the truck get a ticket? That makes me a tad bit angry.
My parents don't have health insurance but they think that their auto insurance will cover his medical expenses. Normally, the insurance of the driver involved would cover the medical expenses but that person is MIA.
THEN, one of the couples in my Bradley class calls me Sunday morning to tell me her water broke. I'm supposed to be the doula at this birth, the only problem... it's 7-1/2 weeks EARLY!!
So they give her steriods at the hospital and tell her that if her contractions don't speed up within a week she'll need pitocin. A WEEK!?!?!? If this woman went in for her 38 or 40 week check up and they found the amniotic fluid to be even slightly low they'd induce her. But sitting there with no amniotic fluid is ok for a week? That's so weird to me.
And so she's transferred to a semi-private room yesterday and her husband isn't allowed to be in the room overnight so he goes home. Her husband called me at 5AM today to tell me that we both missed the baby's birth. She called him at 4AM and the baby was born at 4:30! He only weighed 3 lbs. 13 ounces but I saw him today and he looks really good. He's breathing on his own, crying and responding to his mother's voice.
Through all this craziness I've had a great expereince with God. He's given me words to pray over people in need that really make a difference. I prayed for my non-believer dad and he is being healed very quickly. He even thanked me every time I prayed for him which meant a lot to me.
Then, today when I was in the NICU with my student she asked when she can hold the baby because she hadn't held him since the moment he was born. The nurse said "well, how about now". I couldn't believe that God had put me in this place. Earlier today I was thinking about praying for them but I was really seeing her holding the baby when I prayed. Mainly because I wanted to pray for mom just as much as the baby. I asked her if I could pray for her and the baby and she said "of course". God sent words of life into both mom and baby and I could feel the healing in them as I hugged them and prayed for a quick recovery.
So, it was a busy weekend but one with great reward for my wonderful God.
Now I need to get a good night's sleep and prepare because tomorrow night I start a new Bradley class and I now for sure I've got my hands full with one couple. ;) Nate and Sarah are joining this session!
7 years ago
Daedra, you are a Christ-bearer! and it is awesome to hear you so excited about your faith. Bless you as you start this new bradley class!
what great perplexing blessed spiritual times.
Nice name it's rare that I see someone with the same name :) I think there are like a total of 10 of us in the U.S. yes i was bored once and looked it up :P it is kind of fun to have a name that is unique. Do you pronounce yours like mine? Day-druh ?
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