The Holy Spirit is just flooding in on my life today and it feels fabulous.
I feel kinda stupid and haven't admitted to many that I took the test for the Google job and actually failed. I'm really bad at test taking and had this feeling while I was taking it a few weeks ago that I was going to fail. I'd done the work before via Sarah and that just made me feel even more stupid. How did I fail at a test for something I've already been doing!?!?
Anyways, I was upset for about 10 minutes and then the Holy Spirit gave me peace with the situation and I was OK. I was assured that the Lord was taking me somewhere so I just decided to go along for the ride.
A few months back I had talked to someone about a job at the Glass Academy near me. Anyone who knows me knows that this place is right up my alley. And the owners are this really cool husband-wife team who understand who I am and that at first I am a mother! I'd talked to the wife (Michelle) many times about a job with them but it just never worked out, mostly because they didn't have the budget to hire someone.
Guess who I got a call from today! Michelle at the Glass Academy!! They now have a budget to hire me part-time and I can work my schedule into their schedule. I'm not doing anything fancy like blowing hot glass but it will bring my family some income! I start working the weekend after Thanksgiving at their holiday show (I'll be selling tickets all weekend so if you want to see some really awesome artwork come visit me at work!). Then, starting in November I'll work a couple days a week helping Michelle with some tasks.
And then tonight I received interest from a 7th student about my November class!!
Thank you LORD! I'm really looking forward to November! It's so awesome when your faith is majorly tested yet you stay strong and are greatly rewarded for it. Don't tell me there's not a God out there.
7 years ago
daedra! this is awesome, how exciting! congrats!
I just got an email from couple #8 today too. The max I can accomodate is 8 so I hope I don't have to start turning people away. This is so crazy!
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