Monday, September 17, 2007

From the Cross to CBS

This weekend was spent being dunked (aka immersed) in the cross and Jesus Christ. I got so much out of this experience that it's hard to put into words.

Last week I started a new bible study with CBS. I was really excited about learning until I opened up my homework this evening and practically fell asleep doing it. (sorry Josie, but it's true) It gives a very "religious" take on the bible and I'm not very keen on that. The Beth Moore Daniel bible study we just finished over the summer was absolutely fantastic, even Brian wanted in on that action. Uh, it was so great that it gets me all excited just thinking about it!!!
I've told myself I'm going to give it a chance, even if I have to choke down the homework just to get it done. (It really feels similar to eating something you totally despise but you choke it down anyways knowing will it be good for you. This was tofu when I was a child.)
Time to testify from the weekend:
On Friday evening Jess prophesied over me about burdens in my life. In the past Brian prophesied the same things to me about removing burdens from my shoulders.
Well, on Saturday evening during worship I was soaking in the the presence of the Holy Spirit asking Him to show me how to rid myself of feeling burdened. I saw Jesus being removed from the Cross, beaten, battered, lifeless. He raised me up onto his shoulders and carried me to the tomb with Him. Jesus took all my burdens to the cross so that I can be FREE!!
I then asked for a Bible verse to meditate on. I like to play game where I just open up my Bible and the Lord shows me what to read. I opened to John 11:25-16, check this out:
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
Holy moly could you be more specifically talking TO me?!?! The verse even ends in a very specific QUESTION!
It's very difficult to go back to any sort of religious context after this wonderful word from the Lord. I'm just praying that I will be lead the right way to an enjoyable experience.


linds said...

orrrrrrr.... you could just leave it behind. :) I know, NOT a good influence. The Holy Spirit might be able to help, but if not, why force it?

linds said...

PS. It was SO good to have you at the CI this past weekend! Yay!

daedra said...

I'm hoping it doesn't have to come to that, I'm not much of a quitter.
I'm praying that the Holy Spirit brings something along that's better, I really want to study the word.

Jos said...

D, sorry to hear you are struggling w/ the homework. if it helps you at all, the part I enjoy the most is answering the questions and looking up scripture. It has really helped me. I actually don't get much from the lecture (and can't stay for that anyways) and I find that I personally have a lot of life to bring to my core group. So I guess it is a different twist- I trust the Holy Spirit to teach me more than the core and lecture and even the commentary (which I read with a grain of salt). If it doesn't work for you- I wouldn't force it though! Stay tuned for Cross Immersion groups, that may be more for you. bless you!

daedra said...

Thanks Josie, I appreciate your input. I'm definately going to give it a chance. I did however state that I am interested in the CI groups