Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Currently Blessed

What a day/week/month

At dinner with my son I must have heard "mmmm, delicious" 6 times out of his mouth. Then he states "I love you cause you made me this squash". It about melted my heart.
Then I've been wanting to go visit my cousin and her daughter in Orlando. I've been checking airfare for something reasonable. I get updates from Spirit Airlines every once and a while. Well, today I got round trip airfare for both Adam and myself for $89 out the door! Before taxes and junk it was $12 one way for each of us!!
Then after I put Adam to bed I check my email to find that I've been accepted for a job as an Ad Quality Rater with Google!! This is a HUGE financial blessing that can only be credited to God for making it happen. I can earn $15/hour while working at home from my PC whenever I have free time.
A couple of days ago I got an email from a couple inquiring about the Bradley Classes I teach. She actually emailed 6 different teachers at the same time. I think I must have been the first (and maybe only) one to respond because she decided to join my session starting in November. Oh, and she said to expect to hear from her best friend because they want to join the same class as her and her husband. This would bring enough income to attend the Soaking Seminar in Toronto the following week! So awesome.
I've also been praying about a specific house. A couple of friends of ours have a home they built in Lyon Twp. We went to visit them a few weeks ago and discovered that they are building a new house and plan to sell the one they currently live in. In the instant that she said this God struck me and clearly said "THIS IS YOUR HOUSE" and then MY brain took over and I said "nah, no way, we can't afford this". Well, God made me look around and made me realize that this house is perfect for my family. I'd had little hints about moving from our house, some things have become less than desirable in our neighborhood. But I never said "I have to sell my house NOW" I just said "OK Lord, just show me what to do and I'll listen to You."

When He showed me this new house he also gave me a ton of signs that this is the right thing to do. I'd go on forever if I listed them all but trust me it is amazing. Please pray for further guidance and clear answers from the Lord as well as financial blessings. In a market where most houses won't sell and it's really difficult to get a mortgage we are the little guys fighting a BIG battle. But I know that with God on our sides we can do anything!


linds said...

AWESOME! Keep listening. Keep pursuing! Yay, yay, yay!!!!